VelocityHUB PGH Blog
Grow 2X in New or Emerging Markets | Blog #3: “Execute & Adjust”
This is part 3 of 3 of the series on Growing in New/Emerging Markets (link to Blog#1, link to blog#2). "How do we take the guess work out of the equation and reduce risks?" Blog #1 was about Planning. Blog #2 was about Acting on the Plan, This blog is about...
Grow 2X in New or Emerging Markets | Part #2: “Workout”
This is part 2 of 3 of the series on Growing in New/Emerging Markets (link to Blog#1). "How do we take the guess work out of the equation and reduce risks?" Blog #1 was about Planning. This blog is about Acting on the Plan: 1- Pre “Workout” The core team and leader...
Grow Sales 2X in New or Emerging Markets | Part #1: Plan your Entry
As I traveled the world throughout my career, I had the privilege to interact with many global and local leaders that aspired to grow into new markets or geographies. Some of the stories were quite epic, however, the underlying question was: "How do we...
Is Customer Experience a Function of People Experience?
Quoting the good work from James L. Heskett and team in the “Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work” article: "Engaged people Engage Customers which Drive Shareholder Value" The idea is not new: People Experience (PX) drives Customer Excellence inside our firms...